The Most Effective Sales Compensation Models to Keep a Team Motivated

One of the most common challenges faced by business managers of both established and growing businesses are “how to compensate their sales teams effectively.” Managers need to implement a compensation model that motivates their sales team to land new accounts, while at the same time upselling the existing ones. But, how do you identify the most efficient compensation model to use? And how do you measure performance against the compensation model?  Well, the information given here will answer these and more questions about some of the most efficient sales compensation models to keep a team motivated.

Topics: Sales Leadership Hiring Compensation

Scope of Work – What to expect

While the world has shifted and news of a potential slowdown (recession) is being heard in the back pages of financial papers, you remain hopeful and believe there are exciting opportunities ahead.

Topics: CMO Hiring Proposal Consulting Services

The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing vs In-house

Outsourcing of various functions is not a new topic; it has been a trend for 20 years or more. It really started with the idea of sticking to a company’s ‘core competencies’ and outsourcing (or just getting rid of) things outside core competencies. What I’m talking about here is true outsourcing, not just making employees contractors to try and avoid payroll taxes and HR compliance issues.

Any function can be outsourced. I’ve heard of virtual companies that have only one employee, and that employee is the CEO and owner of the business. In the case I’m thinking about, the owner had outsourced product design, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, sales and accounting. I guess the ultimate step would be to find a company that offered outsourced CEO services and outsource that too.

Topics: Profitability Hiring Outsourcing