Manufacturing Economic Outlook 2023 Presented by: Ehiwario Efeyini

Lunch & Learn - Data and analysis on the state of the manufacturing sector.

Enjoy a complimentary lunch on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 as Bank of America economist Ehiwario Efeyini provides us with a variety of data and analysis on the state of the manufacturing sector. Center for Advanced Manufacturing of Puget Sound is hosting this special event to shed light on industry trends.

Topics: Events CAMPS Economic Trends

Well, That Escalated Quickly!

Two weeks ago, I wrote in this blog that the chance of a recession being triggered by the COVID-19 as being “Probable.” This situation has changed very quickly. At this point, we are way past “Probable.” We are in the early stages of a recession. You heard it here second. The stock market, which is always about the future, was the first to tell us that a recession is upon us.
The questions, at this point and in my mind are, how bad will it be and how long will it last?

Topics: Profitability Forecasting Economic Trends