Using a Fractional CRO: How to Get the Most out of The Partnership

While hiring a fractional Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) typically costs about 75% less than hiring an in-house CRO, it still requires a significant investment of time and money. However, the best fractional CROs have the skills, experience, and acumen needed to act as shrewd revenue advisors, helping their clients to achieve profitable revenue growth that is sustainable over the long-term, justifying their cost many times over. In fact, when the relationship is managed correctly, fractional CRO services can effectively align sales and marketing functions to generate significant revenue growth over both short-term and long-term planning horizons.

Of course, that begs the question, “How do I manage a fractional CRO partnership well?”

Topics: CRO Consulting Services Outsourcing

Professional Service Providers Spotlight: 3 Keys to Business Growth in Any Economy

“Americans’ economic ratings have declined steeply since the beginning of the year: Just 13% now describe economic conditions as excellent (1%) or good (12%), down from 28% in January. About four-in-ten (38%) describe economic conditions today as only fair, while 49% describe them as poor, roughly double the share who described the economy as poor six months ago (24%).” – Pew Research Center

Topics: Consulting Services Business Development Service Providers

Scope of Work – What to expect

While the world has shifted and news of a potential slowdown (recession) is being heard in the back pages of financial papers, you remain hopeful and believe there are exciting opportunities ahead.

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