How to Get More Authority - While Keeping the End in Mind

Seth Godin said:

Extraordinary contribution changes not just the recipient, but the giver as well…

The hard part isn't working for free. The hard part is figuring out that this is your chance to do more than you're asked, to resist being unpaid labor for an organization too cheap to pay you properly. Instead, this is a rare moment to leap.”

What's missing in Seth’s great share

Those who are still trying to figure out how to show up and be consistent are in the early part of their journey. Without a foundation of skills and expertise, ‘leaping’ does require some good judgment.

When that time comes, they can look at their skills, talents and how they make an impact… and sometimes will have an epiphany: “it matters”.  That is when they go beyond marketing – and leap… which leads to bigger rewards for everyone.

Topics: Leadership Business Culture Brand Integrity Professional Development

A Holiday Gift Giving 'How-to' for Business Professionals

For some, gift giving is the merriest part of the holiday season. For others, it causes panic and dread.

Gift giving and receiving are both highly emotional processes, which is why there is so much pressure to give employees, managers, clients, and peers the right gifts. Stress builds over whether it is appropriate to give a gift in the first place, what to give, and how much to spend. But despite this worry, business professionals continue to exchange gifts and deliver gifts to clients year after year because the benefits of doing so far outweigh their internal angst.

Topics: Networking Brand Integrity

What Is a Value Proposition?

Regardless of your industry, what you do, or your business type, two things are probably true: 1) you rely on customers and clients for success, and 2) you have competitors. As such, how you market your business is a critical part of business longevity, reputation, and influence.

This is why value proposition becomes so important. Indeed, a value proposition is arguably the most important aspect of your overarching company message, and potentially the most critical element of your marketing strategy.

Topics: Brand Management Strategy Business Development Brand Integrity

5 Essentials for Improving Brand Integrity

Brand integrity is a measure of how buyers perceive a brand across all its touchpoints. It is the sum of an organization’s parts as calculated by the public, and it has a direct correlation with overall brand value.

This brand value translates to revenue numbers, valuations, and almost every other measuring stick that both public and private companies use to demonstrate worth to investors and shareholders.

Topics: Brand Management Brand Integrity