Without manufacturing companies, we would not have the quality of life we currently enjoy. They ‘make stuff’ is often taken for granted and what they build can be the difference between life and death.
Manufacturers are often under-appreciated as they work invisibly to deliver products that change our lives. Employees typically do not have glamorous work spaces and may appear unimpressive since their work clothing is more for function and safety than style.
Manufacturers are in a word: “Remarkable”. This is why I have come to appreciate CAMPS (Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound) as they do a great job of supporting local manufacturers.
CAMPS has grown membership of nearly 300 companies, organizations, education, and government partners supporting the region’s most innovative, high performing, and collaborating companies. These companies are focusing collectively on:
- Serving domestic and international markets
- CAMPS, as an organization, has taken a leadership role in 21st Century Workforce solutions
- CEO’s and other leaders have adopted a primary goal of improving the image of Manufacturing to all sectors of the community, with a special focus on youth programs and transitioning military personnel
If you believe as I do about the importance of manufacturers and interested in giving support, providing service or products, you can learn more here.
What you might have missed:
On June 7th, nearly 200 CAMPS Members, industry experts, and guests were introduced to the future of manufacturing. The prime message was how technology is enabling manufacturing to reach new heights.
CAMPS 2018 Manufacturing Conference
Innovative Products, Processes, and Technologies for The Future
Bill Virgin, Washington Manufacturing Alert, summed it up very well with comments from some of the presenters:
Manufacturers won't have much choice in choosing whether to implement those technologies, particularly loT, customers are going to drive all of this technology "
Capturing information from machines is not going to be a nice-to-have, it's going to be a must-have," noted Andrew Robling, at Epicor Software Corp.
The day opened with Bill Hill (Western Integrated Technologies/Elevat-loT) and Rich Rogers (Xemelgo) explaining the current "Industrial Revolution" occurring in global markets and how Washington State is positioned to be a regional and global leader in these advanced manufacturing processes and technologies.
The loT (Internet of Things) is reshaping manufacturing and smart manufacturers need to understand learning, finding the right technology partners, and implementing technology solutions that are necessary to survive and grow. Currently, these technologies are a competitive advantage.
At lunch, Craig Tomita with Universal Robots shared how Cobots (Collaborative Robots) are an affordable approach to manufacture consistent quality products, make improvements in efficiencies, and are creating workforce changes.
A working model was on display throughout the day. Cobots will not necessarily eliminate jobs, but will change the composition of the jobs, requiring higher level technical jobs.
To complement this message, Clover Park Technical College's Club MEC students from the Mechatronics Program were in the audience and had on their display, a Universal Robots model they have used as a device in their training.
The program agenda ended with Jinesh Varia (Xemelgo) and Adam Livesay (Western Integrated Technologies/Elevat-loT) bringing the day's topics together with how it all works - Virtual loT - Smart Manufacturing, Smart Connected Fleets, and Smart Aftermarket Services.
Pulling together the day’s information brought clarity to the future and how these are very real applications, processes, and technologies companies are pursuing… and much more than just concepts. The creative world met the real world.
Our goal for this year’s conference was to help manufacturers find ways to apply technological innovations to their operations today. If they wait until the future arrives, it will be too late. I’m pleased to say that our presenters were successful in achieving that goal. I have a great appreciation for the sponsors, presenters, CAMPS Program Committee, Staff, and the attendees who supported this great event.”
- Elizabeth Harris, CAMPS Programs-Membership Committee Chair
Between the keynote sessions, there were six breakout sessions
Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
- Speaker: Adnan Siddiqui - See Algo
Visualization Software to Maximize loT Value
- Speaker Ryan McMahon,
Autodesk / IMAGINIT Technologies Blockchain Applications
- Speakers: Matt Kosche & Anthony Hargreaves, Clark Nuber
Human Systems Topgrading
- Speaker: Michael Langhout, Langhout International
SMED - Single Minute Exchange of Dies or Quick Changeover
- Speaker: Jeff Root, GM Nameplate
Future Technology Innovations for Manufacturing
- Speakers: Ben Marsh, Scout Systems - Chase Mueller, Brooks Running - Jim Pass, Modifi - Andrew Robling, Epicor Software - Hub Gilbert, nextLevel - Steve Kidd, CIM tech
Click Here to View Presentations >
If there was ever a time for manufacturers to 'leap' such as when Henry Ford did so 105 years ago, the time and opportunity is now. Smarter manufacturing may make the assembly line obsolete.
I look forward to meeting you at a future CAMPS event!